Register as a non-resident (RNI)

If you live outside the Netherlands you can register as a non-resident in the Non-resident Records Database (RNI). You can also register if you move to the Netherlands for less than 4 months.

You can be registered in the RNI in 2 ways:

1. In person in the Netherlands
You can register in the RNI in person at one of the nineteen RNI-municipalities. To register you need to make an appointment.

Make an appointment at an RNI municipality

2. Apply for a passport
If you live outside the Netherlands, we recommend that you apply for a passport. By applying for a passport you will be automatically registered as a non-resident and you will get a citizen service number (BSN).

Apply for a passport

What are the fees for an application or renewal through this service?


How long does it take to process my application?


Can I apply or renew my passport or ID-card in other ways than through this online service?
